Selection process and schedule

Selection process and scheduleThe competitive selection procedure is established according to the minimum requirements set by the European Commission, notably the geographical conditions for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships. It guarantees the transparency of the selection process and an equitable treatment of individual applications.

The 2022 call for applications is open until Sunday 24 April 2022, 23:59 CET. Applications received afterwards will not be considered.


The CYBERUS Programme Office will check applications for eligibility. Non-eligible candidates will be notified and receive appeal information.


Eligible applications are preselected by the CYBERUS Selection Committee according to the following criteria: 
a) academic merit as proven through grades, and awards and publications if any, or professional merit through achievements and certifications (60% of the overall score);
b) motivation as evidenced in the candidate’s letter and corroborated by the letters of support (40% of the total). 


Pre-selected candidates will be invited to a remote interview in June. Non-preselected applicants will be notified. 


The Selection Committee will make a ranked main list of applicants and a ranked reserve list of potential CYBERUS students in case students on the main list drop out, do not provide the required documents in time or do not have the necessary funding. Admission to the CYBERUS Master is anticipated to be granted equally among both specialisation tracks and following conditions for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships. 
Those at the top of the list will be offered Erasmus Mundus Scholarships and fee waivers. Those next will be offered fee waivers only. The very last on the list will have to pay the tuition and registration fee. At application stage, students will specify whether they apply, only or cumulatively, for scholarships and fee waivers, for fee waivers only or on a self-paying basis.


The selection results are to be published after the interview stage in late June. 


Students on the main list will have 14 days to give a definite answer. If they do not reply within the 14 days, they will lose the benefit of the offer and will be ruled out of both lists. In case of defections on the main list, students on the reserve list are contacted in order of ranking. They will be given 7 days to reply. If they do not reply within the 7 days, they will lose the benefit of the offer and the next person on the list will be contacted following the same procedure.


All applicants are notified whatever the decisions. The appeal procedure is the same as for eligibility, pre-selection and selection. Appellants have 15 days maximum from reception of the notification to appeal. They will receive a written answer within 15 days maximum of reception of the appeal.