International mobility

International mobilityInternational mobility is compulsory. Where a student is from France, Belgium or Luxembourg, the 5-month internship will take place in a different country.

International mobility is compulsory. Where a student is from France, Belgium or Luxembourg, the 5-month internship will take place in a different country from their own:

  • All students spend the first two semesters at UBS (Lorient, France) in order to acquire a set of common major cybersecurity competences and transversal skills and to prespecialise.
    • All students must attend an orientation week starting on 5 September 2022.
    • In semester 1, starting on 12 September 2022, as students come various backgrounds in computer science and computer engineering throughout the world, strong common cybersecurity foundations are provided (5 modules, one of which at Taltech in the Winter School). They discover a new learning and cultural environment, learn French or another EU language if they already speak it, are introduced to entrepreneurship and develop group spirit.
    • In semester 2, students continue developing group spirit, integrating into their learning and cultural environment and strengthening their common cybersecurity skills (3 modules). They begin some measure of differentiation in 2 modules through pre-specialisation and start acquiring hands-on experience in the form of a student project , a student challenge (possibly with students in year 2) or a 6-week internship.
  • Between semester 1 and semester 2, students move to Tallinn University of Technology - TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia) for a Winter School dedicated to ‘Cyberthreats to the EU and Cyberactors’.
  • In semester 3, students move to the selected joint programme partner to specialise: ULB (Brussels, Belgium) for IoT Cybersecurity or UL (Luxembourg) for Software Cybersecurity. Differentiation is also targeted as, in one module, students are allowed to take cybersecurity electives from a defined list to continue building their own pathways and, in another, to choose between an entrepreneurship project, a student project or a student challenge (possibly with students in year 1). Research and innovation forms a dedicated module.
  • In semester 4, the most specialised and differentiated of all, students conduct a compulsory 5-month internship at an approved institution anywhere in the world. They are required to write a master’s thesis jointly supervised by UBS and ULB researchers or UBS and UL researchers depending on their specialisations and their mobility track.


At the end of semester 2 and semester 4, CYBERUS students and alumni are strongly invited to attend an optional uncredited one-week Summer School and Scientific Workshop at UBS (France). This workshop will bring together top researchers and professionals at the cutting edge of cybersecurity to discuss topical cybersecurity issues and to provide complementary insights from other related fields.