Mobility scheme

Mobility schemeThe CYBERUS Visiting Researcher scheme aims to attract international cybersecurity researchers and also experts from outside academia to take part in teaching and research activities at Université Bretagne Sud – UBS (Lorient, France), Université du Luxembourg - UL (Luxembourg) or Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB (Brussels, Belgium).

We invite you to browse the curriculum here.


The scheme also includes participation in the annual Summer School and Scientific Workshop at UBS (Lorient, France) to be held in June or July every year from 2023.


The schemes takes care of transport and food and lodging while at the host institution.
When they are involved in teaching, excluding the Summer School and Scientific Workshop, invited researchers and experts receive remuneration based on the number of taught hours.


We expect visiting researchers and experts to:

  • Widen our international perspective,
  • Provide expertise from other relevant fields of application such as Energy, Transport, Banking, Financial market infrastructures, Health, Drinking water supply and distribution, Digital infrastructures, Online marketplaces)
  • Contribute complementary insights from other related cybersecurity domains (cloud computing, industrial cybersecurity, cybercrime, risk management, crisis management, ethics, etc.).
  • Contribute to research and development projects.


Visiting researchers and experts will be selected on the basis of their leadership, their international perspectives, their specialised knowledge and their insights into additional application domains.


For the academic year 2022-2023, we offer 4 one-week visiting researcher positions, all at UBS (Lorient, France), two between September and December 2022 and two between January and April 2023.


We strongly invite women to apply.